The Listing element displays all characters "As-Is" in the
browser as a fixed-width font. Recommended display of this element is a 132
character line length. Until a closing LISTING tag is encountered, other
HTML elements are displayed on screen as text and not evaluated.
The rules for this sort of behavior can have many consequences in parsing
techniques, thus the use of this element is strongly discouraged (the Pre
element should be used instead.) This element is no longer standard HTML.
It is considered "obsolete" in the HTML 2.0 , 3.0 and 3.2
specifications, and is not mentioned in HTML 4.0 and beyond. It may be
implemented by browsers for backward compatibility.
This is an SGML Document Access
(SDA) attribute. SDA attributes are designed to transform HTML (and
other SGML-based documents) to the ICADD
DTD - which is used in creating accessible documents for users with
visual disabilities (rendering in Braille, large print, speech synthesis,
etc.) The attribute value specifies the name of the element to convert this
element to in the SDA element group (in this case the 'Lit' element - "literal
or computer text".) SDA also allows attributes and values from the original
element to be used in the new SDA element where necessary.
Value:Lit (Denotes 'literal or computer text' in SDA.)
This is an SGML Document Access
(SDA) attribute. SDA attributes are designed to transform HTML (and
other SGML-based documents) to the ICADD
DTD - which is used in creating accessible documents for users with
visual disabilities (rendering in Braille, large print, speech
synthesis, etc.) The attribute value specifies content to be added
BEFORE the original element content (in this case the string
"Listing:&#RE;") when the SDA document is rendered. &#RE; refers
to a carriage return in the SDA transform.
DTD Note: This element was listed as an "Obsolete
Element" in the HTML 2.0 DTD but is still listed under "Deprecated
Elements" in the expired HTML 3.0 draft and HTML 3.2 recommendation.
It is still understood by some browsers as well.
Because this element has limited or no support in the HTML specifications,
neither support or appearance in different browsers can be guaranteed.
Browser Peculiarities
Netscape is the only browser that complies with the 132 character line length.
Mosaic is the only browser to display all characters literally.
Netscape support for this element experienced a slight hiccup during
the 6.x series. Support did not exist in 6.0 but began again in 6.1.