Table Caption

Support Key: [2|3|3.2|4] [X1|X1.1] [IE2|M2A8|N1.1|O2.1]
What is it?
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End Tag:
Standards Details:
HTML: In all 4.x DTDs
XHTML: In all 1.0 and 1.1 DTDs
XHTML Modules:
Basic Tables, Tables
CSS 'display' Type:
CSS Mapping:
Default Rendering:
Content above or below a table
Official Docs:
HTML 4.x, XHTML 1.1
What is it?
The CAPTION element is an optional table component which displays a caption/title for the table directly above, below or to either side of the table. The CAPTION element is contained within the TABLE element, but is used at the same level as the table row element [TR] is.

Common Attributes
[2|3| 3.2 |4] [X1|X1.1] [IE3|M|N4B2|O4]
[2|3|3.2|4] [X1|X1.1] [IE4B1|M|N6|O5]
[2|3|3.2|4] [X1|X1.1] [IE4B1|M|N6B2|O4]
[2|3|3.2|4] [X1|X1.1] [IE4|M|N6B1|O]
[2|3|3.2|4] [X1|X1.1] [IE5.5|M|N|O]

Specific Attributes
[2|3|3.2|4] [X1|X1.1] [IE2|M2A8|N1.1|O2.1]
Standards Details: Deprecated in HTML 4.x/XHTML 1.0. Dropped in XHTML 1.1 in favor of CSS
Required? No
The Align attribute specifies the alignment of the caption relative to the table. IE also defines extra Align values for horizontal alignment within the Caption.
Top, Bottom - regular attributes
Left, Center and Right (extra IE 2.0+ values for horizontal alignment of data within the table caption.)
[2|3|3.2|4] [X1|X1.1] [IE|M|N|O4-6.x]
Standards Details: NA
Required? No
This attribute explicitly specifies the height of this block element in pixels.
Values: Positive integers.
[2|3|3.2|4] [X1|X1.1] [IE2|M|N|O]
Standards Details: NA
Required? No
This is an Internet Explorer attribute which takes the place of vertical caption positioning relative to the table.
Values: Top | Bottom
[2|3|3.2|4] [X1|X1.1] [IE|M|N|O4-6.x]
Standards Details: NA
Required? No
This attribute explicitly specifies the width of this block element in pixels.
Values: Positive integers.
[Using the Simple Table Model]
<table border="2" align="left" cellpadding="5" bordercolor="#ff0000" width="75%">
      <caption align="top">Juggling Capabilities of Waterfront Performers</caption>
      <tr> <th>Juggler</th> <th>Pins</th> <th>Bowling Balls</th> <th>Flaming Baseballs</th> </tr>
      <tr> <td>Bob</td> <td>5</td> <td>2</td> <td>5</td> </tr>
      <tr> <td>Larry</td> <td>2</td> <td>7!!!</td> <td>NA</td> </tr>
      <tr> <td>Julie the Great</td> <td>1</td> <td>2</td> <td>20<br>(She IS great!)</td> </tr>
      <tr> <th colspan="4">NOTE: This is only a small sample</th> </tr>
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