
Support Key: [CSS1|CSS2|CSS2.1] [IE3|N4|O3.5|S1]
= Index DOT Css by Brian Wilson =
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What Are They?
The original pseudo-classes defined dynamic states of an element that are entered and exited over time, or through user intervention. CSS2 expanded on this concept to include virtual conceptual document components or inferred portions of the document tree (Netscape 6 has really expanded the use of this latter type of pseudo-class.)

The CSS specs do not always define which elements may be in a pseudo-class dynamic state, or the method in which the state is entered or exited. CSS2 DOES state that a browser is not required to re-render a document because of pseudo-class state transitions however.

Unlike Pseudo-elements, Pseudo-classes are allowed anywhere in CSS selectors.
Ext/Doc: [element]:[pseudo-class] { property: value }
CSS Pseudo-Classes
Document Tree:
(No sub-pages on most of these here because there is no real documentation for them anywhere at Mozilla/Netscape other than mention in the source code. Their use is discouraged anyway and are mentioned here only for the sake of completeness.)
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