About Dynamic Content Properties
= Index DOT Css by Brian Wilson =

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Dynamic Content Properties
accelerator | cursor | filter | behavior | zoom

What Do They Do?
These properties allow dynamic, time-variant effects and behavior either through user intervention or as part of their intrinsic design. The 'cursor' property is the most basic of these properties - it specifies the mouse pointer representation to be used when a CSS selector is matched. The 'zoom' property specifies a magnification level of the enclosed content over its usual rendering size.

The other two properties are much more complex in their behavior; the 'filter' and 'behavior' properties both allow a multitude of effects to be bound to a CSS selector. 'Filter' defines a variety of movement and visual effects for an element using regular CSS property/value syntax. The property is expandable to allow for further filter effects in the future.

The 'behavior' property is also a dynamic property, but its "dynamic" power lies in its ability to easily reference other dynamic capabilities (like scripting languages or multiple CSS rules) via simple CSS syntax. The chief benefits of CSS in conjunction with HTML are that it separates rendering information from document content, and allows efficient use of style information across multiple documents. The 'behavior' property accomplishes the same sort of thing - it separates scripting from style information and allows efficient script usage across multiple style sheets.
Related Sites
Official Reference: CSS Level 2, Section 18.1
18.1: 'cursor'
Browser Reference: Microsoft MSDN

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